Favorite Finds 41

Will Rogers Bridling

One thing that I am miffed by is seeing someone fight to get a bridle on a horse. When I see the horse flailing and the owners arms going in all different directions, I feel bad for both parties, it doesn’t need to be a battle. I bridle with my right arm over the top of the neck/poll like shown in the video below, even when I bridle my big guy Frank. That soft feeling with the horse’s head relaxed down is what I want and Frank has no problem putting his head down for me because he’s content with bridling, it’s no big deal and it makes it easy for both of us. If you’re starting a young horse this spring or maybe your horse has some issues bridling, this video can help. In this short video, Will Rogers shows an easy way to introduce/reintroduce bridling with a rope and treats/grain to create a positive experience for both horse and human. It’s not by force but by creating a positive experience; there’s no bit involved so there’s no bit hitting the horse’s teeth and no wrestling the head down.


Tip For Children Feeding Treats

Many of us love to share our horses with loved ones, family members or friends. We bring them out to meet our horses and most non-horsey folks know to feed the horse with a flat hand but little children fingers are always at risk when giving treats, even when feeding the most gentle horse. I saw this tip on Instagram and I think it is genius. You simply use a curry comb, the black oval shaped ones we all know and love, you have the child put their hand through the strap and then feed the treat on the curry side, like a platter. If you have a hard time visualizing, watch the video and you’ll see the brilliance in the simplicity. Not only does this keep the child’s fingers safe but I can imagine it’s kind of fun for the child to do it this way too!

Curry Comb Platter


Phil Jackson Interview and His Eleven Principles

With the March Madness Final Four this weekend, I thought this would be a perfect time to share these videos about the NBA legendary coach, Phil Jackson. Phil was a unique coach with his style anchored in respect for the team and mindfulness. He has a book about his philosophies and values called Eleven Rings: The Soul of Success which is on my reading list. In the interview with Oprah, they discuss how he brought mindfulness to the teams he coached and how his unconventional attempts to build these teams ultimately led to great success. The second video is longer and more focused on coaching but I think it pertains to all equestrian professional and amateurs looking to grow. As you watch both videos, you will understand how these relate not only to the instructor/student dynamic but also to the rider/horse relationship. You can check out his book or you can watch the Netflix documentary called The Last Dance which is about his final year at The Chicago Bulls to find out even more about Phil Jackson.

“Put spirit into it. You have to get spirit back into things.” -Phil Jackson

How NBA Coach Phil Jackson Taught His Teams Mindfulness

Coach Like Phil Jackson: Phil’s Eleven Principles of Coaching


Favorite Finds 42


Favorite Finds 40