Favorite Finds Week Sixteen

The Cutest Homemade Horse Treats

With fall right around the corner, I usually start thinking about all the desserts that go along with the season change. Apple pies, pumpkin cookies and anything spiced. So when I saw these cute apple turnovers you can make for your horse, I was all in. Most of the ingredients are probably sitting in your cabinet or easily bought but just be careful not to add the cinnamon (recommended in the video part) if you are going to be competing within a week of feeding the turnovers. These look too easy and too cute to pass up but if you’re not the baking type, Snaks5thAvenchew makes the cutest treats for horses and dogs that you can purchase on their website through the link in their bio!

Snaks5thAvenchew Apple Turnovers



I love short quirky little sayings or articles that seem kind of silly at face value but if you’re open, the meaning can actually be deeper than the silly overtone on the surface. This article is just that. Jeff Warren is one of my favorite meditation teachers because he’s real and raw, nothing to hide, nothing fancy, just realistic meditation practice. That being said, this article about rhythm in movement meditation made me think about my riding. We get very caught up in the technical aspects of riding, how to get better connection or how to sit the trot. All of these technical pieces are swirling in our heads but if you take moments throughout your ride to just feel, be quiet and feel your body and your horse’s body, you will gain a better understanding of your riding. It’s about movement and stillness at the same time. I know that sounds psychedelic and ethereal in a way but read this short quirky article and instead of running picture yourself riding as you read it.



Crushing Iron Podcast Episode

First off, yes this podcast episode is relative, hear me out. Many of you know my husband Mitch is a triathlete which in many ways is very different from riding but in other ways, they are incredibly similar. Both triathletes and riders compete individually, they have transitions and flying changes (yes that is truly what they are called and both the transitions and changes should be incredibly smooth just like ours) and like all sports, the mental game is just as important as the physical. Crushing Iron is one of Mitch’s favorite podcasts and this past week Mitch told me I really needed to listen to this episode called ‘Building Race Confidence (and Reducing Anxiety)’ because of my interest in sport psychology. Now, you may listen to this and think "I have no idea what they are talking about.” That’s ok, stick with it. Don’t worry about PR’s and distances, focus on how they relate to their sport and how they prepare for a race. There is a lot of great advice in this episode. Of course with riding, we have the added factor of a living animal to work with that can make the “just go do it” attitude difficult but I still think this is applicable for many riders especially with the end of season competitions like regionals and championships around the corner. You can find this episode on many different platforms, below is the Spotify link.

Crushing Iron-Building Race Confidence (and Reducing Anxiety)


Favorite Finds Week Seventeen


Favorite Finds Week Fifteen