Favorite Finds 38

Mayo Bath

When I saw @myequestrianstyle post about a mayo bath, I was very intrigued considering many women use mayo as a hack to get shiny hair. My first response was to be totally grossed out about lathering my horse in mayo but after seeing the result, I’m on board. Of course this method requires time to bathe and set which is a commitment but if you are looking for that show quality shine and your facing a dull coat this is a great, cheap option. Make sure to watch the video all the way until the end, you’ll see what I am talking about.

@myequestrianstyle Mayo Bath


Olivia Caspers Educational Content

One of my fellow Minnesota equestrians is starting a great educational content stream on her Instagram. Olivia Caspers is an event rider who has a passion for learning like myself. She is going to be talking with different health and wellness professionals in the equestrian world to provide information about different topics such as vitamin E, electrolytes and PEMF. This is a great way to gain a better understanding of equine wellness, especially if you’re more of a visual learner and you don’t want to read a lengthy article. I think this is an exceptional way for adult amateurs to understand their horse’s care and needs in a fun way. I personally look forward to seeing what Olivia shares as I think it can help me and my clients as well.

Olivia Caspers Educational Content


Blank Cattle Tags

As we hope for spring to arrive soon in Minnesota, the blankets are getting filthy and if you’re anything like me, you’re hoping we can send blankets off for washing sooner than later. Trying to remember what blankets you have, what needs to be washed and which blanket belongs to which horse is a struggle. One of my favorite tricks I learned in Maryland was using blank cattle tags for blanket tagging. You can easily write on blank cattle tags with a permanent marker indicating which horse the blanket is for and what weight it is and attach the tag to a buckle with a zip tie. What I love about using the cattle tags is their ability to go through the wash with the blankets with no issues and since they are rubber they don’t get caught on anything and are easy to use. You can purchase blank cattle tags on Valley Vet, Amazon or at places like Tractor Supply, not to mention the array of colors to choose from. I prefer the small size but there are a couple different sizes to choose from. These tags are also great for tagging other barn items and attaching emergency information to halters or saddles.

Blank Cattle Tags


Favorite Finds 39


Favorite Finds 37